Presenter Proposal Form Submissions are now closed. Name * Email * Co-Presenter (if applicable) Co-Presenter Email School / Company * Are you a vendor? * (select one) no yes Presentation Title (Less than 40 characters) * Give a brief description of your presentation, including strategies and tools you will be using. * Presentation Length * Bursts (30 minutes) focus on a specific topic or idea. Rooms are set with round tables. Hands-on activities at the tables are not expected for this presentation format. Sessions (60 minutes) represent a common format where the speaker relates his or her ideas to an audience. Rooms are set either theater style or classroom style and vary in size. Workshops (75 minutes) have rooms set with round tables for hands-on work. Which audience does your presentation target? Select all that apply. * Pre-K - Grade 2 Grades 3-5 Grades 6-8 Grades 9-12 Higher Education—university- and college-level issues (including both two-year and four-year institutions) Coaches/Leaders/Teacher Educators General Interest—issues of interest to multiple grades and audiences What type of room layout do you prefer? * no preference chairs tables Do you have technology needs for your presentation other than access to a projector? * (select one) no yes If yes, please describe. Select the strand that best fits your presentation. * ASSESSMENT, A TOOL FOR PURPOSEFUL PLANNING AND INSTRUCTION Sessions that are aligned with principles of formative as well as summative assessment are welcome. Sessions in this strand include ones that: - Examine various assessment types and assessment that connects mathematics content and practices - Use data to inform and provide feedback to teachers and students - Support instructional decisions - Improve programs BEST PRACTICES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS Sessions in this strand include, but are not limited to: - Classroom-tested and/or research-supported ideas and strategies - The eight research-informed instructional practices from NCTM’s Principles to Actions - Equitable instructional practices that create effective mathematics experiences and position every student to make sense of mathematics USING TECHNOLOGY TO EFFECTIVELY TEACH AND LEARN MATHEMATICS Sessions in this strand include, but are not limited to: - The innovative implementation of tools and technology - Ways to use tools and technology to - Promote critical thinking and engagement - Visualize and understand mathematical ideas - Help students communicate their mathematical thinking - Build community and connection - Computer science to support mathematical reasoning and instructional goals MATHEMATICAL MODELING: INTERPRETING THE WORLD THROUGH MATHEMATICS Sessions in this strand will focus on: - How to find and design effective mathematical models - How to determine if mathematical models are reasonable and effective - Working with open-ended tasks with potentially multiple solutions FOR THE LOVE AND JOY OF MATHEMATICS Doing mathematics has the potential to be enjoyable, exciting, and awe-inspiring. Having positive experiences learning mathematics motivates future learning. - Sessions in this strand are focused on the joy of doing mathematics. They may include: - Doing math for math’s sake - Ways to inspire our students to see the beauty of mathematics - How we craft ways to share the joy with our colleagues EQUITY Sessions in this strand include ones that: - Illuminate and eliminate inequities in mathematics education by sharing actions that can be implemented to reframe, reconceptualize, and/or intervene in order to provide high expectations for each and every student. - Highlight pedagogical approaches that empower diverse populations of learners, including but not limited to - Culturally responsive teaching - Teaching for social justice - Teacher noticing - Differentiation - Focus on theoretical foundations in social justice that frame equitable mathematics teaching to promote fair and equitable mathematics teaching and learning SPECIAL EDUCATION and CO-TEACHING Sessions in the strand include ones that: - Provide activities that create empathy and ideas to help encourage special education inclusion in mathematics. - Create cohesion between math educators, special education teachers and paraprofessionals in the classroom. - Provide opportunities to highlight the positive impact special needs students can have in the math classroom. - Provide activities that allow for multiple entry points so that all learners are included in mathematics discussions. - Give special education students the opportunity to engage in productive struggle in mathematics without disengagement. (select one) ASSESSMENT, A TOOL FOR PURPOSEFUL PLANNING AND INSTRUCTION BEST PRACTICES FOR ENGAGING STUDENTS USING TECHNOLOGY TO EFFECTIVELY TEACH AND LEARN MATHEMATICS MATHEMATICAL MODELING: INTERPRETING THE WORLD THROUGH MATHEMATICS FOR THE LOVE AND JOY OF MATHEMATICS EQUITY SPECIAL EDUCATION and CO-TEACHING Have you presented at UCTM before? * (select one) no yes Thank you! We will notify you by November 1. - Conference Home - Attendee Registration - Volunteers - Keynote Bios - Schedule - Partner Booths - Hotel Lodging - Transportation and Parking - Presenter Proposal Form - Past Events