Webinar Replays
September 19, 2019
Curious what is happening with RISE? SAGE? ACT?
Your questions are answered by USBE Math Assessment Specialist, Whitney Barlow.
November 21, 2019
What is the Presidential Award and how do I apply for it?
Hear from panelists Shannon Olson (Elementary Mathematics Specialist from USBE), Karen Feld (2015 PAEMST finalist from Pleasant Grove Jr. High), and Mike Spencer (2017 PAEMST awardee from Juab High School).
December 19, 2019
What does JOY in mathematics look like?
Amy Kinder, K-12 District Mathematics Consultant, leads a discussion.
February 20, 2020
Navigating Legislation Connected to Mathematics Education
Nathan Auck and Shannon Olson, USBE